
Monday, December 9, 2019

The Green Team

                                                     The Green Team

On Wednesday the 6th of November the green team came to our school and did a play about plastic.  My favourite part was when the mice got chased with a racquet.

The Little Mermaid

We have been learning to use code to make Scratch games.
I enjoyed it because it is easy to use
I found it hard to not to delete my code
I found it easy to get my Sprite
Next time I will use another topic
and I might use a cat in space

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Monday, October 14, 2019

Come on it's time to look for the treasure. Seaweed wait Captain Is still sleeping  
Pig leg ARRR It's his birthday let him sleep . all other Pirates ARRR Let him sleep
SCAR SHHH we don,t want to wake the captain. Snores loudly. Parrot not much chance of

that! Seaweed I've got the treasure map  hurry The Treasure and 
We have been learning about different kinds of media.  
The media I like using to learn new information is. A tablet because it is easy to
use it is a touchscreen
I enjoyed making the picture
I found it challenging to do the writing
My digital learning object shows i like parit

Next time I would change the picture and color
Surprise the captain  by Riley

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

on today the 24 th of September  we did the  whole  school  production we all did well  and tried really hard  

Thursday, September 19, 2019

hi this is my polley line face it is fun to do  even if people
larf at it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

my speech about cats

My speech about cats 

Letters that describe cats c = cuddly a = alert t = trustworthy s = sweet.  Words that describe cats they are  active,   play full,   amusing,  funny ,smart, alert, loving ,cuddly,  fluffy ,  mellows, shiny fur , sneaky, snuggly. Cats are one, if not the most popular pets in the world,  There are over 500 million  domestic cats in the world .
Cats gather energy by sleeping for average of 13 to 14 hours a day.  
 What are cats good for ?  their purring helps you to heal muscles relaxing even just watching cat videos is good for ? you  will sleep better. Cats  help us breathe  easier calming .  Understanding cat language and signals explained . Cats  can vocalise to express emotions meowing , purring, hisses,growls , etc . 
Cats can also express emotion with their ears .  Forward facing ears express interest.  Backward ears and a hiss or a swipe are a sign your cat feels threatened or doesn't Like what your doing. Cats ears can move their ears 180 degrees,. Adult cats have 30 teeth, also they can jump 5 times their height, 
Do cats have 9 lives?  No cats that have one life just like any other living creature .   Dog food is bad for cats and cat food is bad for dogs .

Monday, August 26, 2019

my animah/on

ki-o -rahi

                              ki-o -Rahi
on Friday

Thursday, August 22, 2019

cross country

                                                                cross country

at the cross country we ran up three hills and throw mud. i fall on a hay bail at the start at the end i
liked the crunchy sausage.

Friday, August 2, 2019

my animation

Me and Izabella-rose are working on our stop- go-animation. so far we have a  movie with lot/s

Monday, July 22, 2019

cat toy

  Hi my name is Riley bailey it works by taping 
the ball i show my cat How it works  and she did it   hot glue and coper