
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

leaning map 2020

This is my DLO. A DLO is a digital learning object. Why you did it and what you learned it was a task  Something you enjoyed. doing a voki. that is something you are still wondering about.when we are gowing to do another one  

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Investigators policies


If we get a phone call we will go in and investigate at the scene. And seeing the animal what is hurt and bring it back to the vet to go and get our species person to come in and see what's happened to it and if it's ok or not. 

When you go to the scene:

  1. Carefully walk to the scene and check that it is alright and safe if it does not warn the team.

  1.  Take a photo of the scene and fill out the investigators form.

  1. Check that the animal’s alright if it is not try to find the owner and if the animal is in a car take a photo of the number plate or write it down on paper. And they will investigate 

4.If you can not find the owner/suspect contact the S.P.C.A ,dog shelter or the vet.

 5.We have the rights to say anything in court that you have done cruel to the animal.






Wednesday, September 9, 2020

my speech about cats

My speech about cats 

Letters that describe cats c = cuddly a = alert t = trustworthy s = sweet.  Words that describe cats they are  active,   play full,   amusing,  funny ,smart, alert, loving ,cuddly,  fluffy ,  mellows, shiny fur , sneaky, snuggly. Cats are one, if not the most popular pets in the world,  There are over 500 million  domestic cats in the world .
Cats gather energy by sleeping for average of 13 to 14 hours a day.  
 What are cats good for ?  their purring helps you to heal muscles relaxing even just watching cat videos is good for ? you  will sleep better. Cats  help us breathe  easier calming .  Understanding cat language and signals explained . Cats  can vocalize to express emotions meowing , purring, hisses,growls , etc . 
Cats can also express emotion with their ears .  Forward facing ears express interest.  Backward ears and a hiss or a swipe are a sign your cat feels threatened or doesn't Like what your doing. Cats ears can move their ears 180 degrees,. Adult cats have 30 teeth, also they can jump 5 times their height, Do cats have 9 lives?  No cats that have one life just like any other living creature .   Dog food is bad for cats and cat food is bad for dogs .

Enviro centre

on the 27th of  August we whet to the Enviro center we had six activities each and every one was fun you can see my group in this photo i am the one in the leaf jersey in this photo we got to grab a item and sum of us told the group why we   wont this in a pray     

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

tiger post

this month we have been doing snake or tiger slides i chose a tiger slide

Monday, June 29, 2020

ted lab

Rocket stability test

Explanation of the stability test:

First we glued the fins back on and made the nose cone.
Then we found out the mass line and traced out the rocket in cardboard.
After that we got a ruler and the cardboard and balanced it on the ruler
Next we tied string around the rocket on the mass line a swung it around
and mark were it balance on the rocket.
We did not have to add coins on to the cone. Because our rocket was stable.
The center of mass and center of pressure were 3 cm apart.

Friday, May 29, 2020

my profile

this week we have been having so fun making a profile 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Term 2 Goals of the week.

this is my goals of the week we do  goals of the week to improve our learning and grow our brain

Friday, March 6, 2020

Makaraka year 5 and 6 students went on camp to Whangara marae last month.  

The  students all really enjoyed a variety of activities, for example,  amazing race 
swimming, Stingray feeding,  camp concert, eelying and many more over the three days 

One really stood out the stingray feeding da da da! 
stingray feeding
On the way whangara camp Makaraka Year  56 went stingray feeding we all lent the 
rules and then we went in the water and then Makaraka Year  56 got past a piece of ice-cold

2 people sat on the banana bot  and we got a piece of cold fish it was fun to feed them with
talk to you nesk time 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Here is my slide about  reflections and goals of the week . I really enjoy talking about the  quotes and
hearing other  people's  ideas of what that  means. I am going to make sure that I get better at the strengths and my learning this term.  I wonder what the quote for next week will be???